Fw: [心得] 剛受洗 因著十一當納而大吵

看板 JesusLove
作者 ostracize (bucolic)
時間 2024-07-29 22:56:12
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※ [本文轉錄自 Christianity 看板 #1cfwi5SH ] 作者: ostracize (bucolic) 看板: Christianity 標題: Re: [心得] 剛受洗 因著十一當納而大吵 時間: Mon Jul 29 22:45:18 2024 傅立德牧師有兩件事很堅持: https://vimeo.com/36332482 第一,每天讀經靈修。 第二,十一奉獻。 19:32 On Being a Real Christian https://www.amazon.com/Being-Real-Christian-G-Weiss/dp/0802460585 -- I want you to follow this plan every day. Each morning when you get up, read two chapters of the Old Testament, two chapters of the New Testament, five Psalms, and one chapter of Proverbs. That way, you will read through the Old Testament every year, the New Testament every four months, and the Books of Psalms and Proverbs monthly. You can read more, of course, but don't read less. You have to let the word of God dwell in you richly. It must be there in your spirit, so that the Holy Spirit can call it to your remembrance when you need it. The word of God has to become a living part of you. You must read it, quote it, eat it, sleep it, breathe it, and let it be your very life. 「我要你養成一個習慣,每天早晨起來之後,一定要讀兩章舊約和兩章新約,五篇詩篇和 一篇箴言,這樣你才能每年把整本舊約聖經讀過一遍,每四個月將新約聖經讀過一遍,每 一個月把詩篇和箴言都讀過一遍。你要越讀越多,不可少讀,讓上帝的話豐豐富富地[A存 在 你心裡。這樣,有一天當你需要的時候,聖靈就會引用某一節經句來指示你。上帝的話將 成為你生命的一部分。你要讀,細細地消化和默想,甚至在睡覺的時候也要想到它。」 (Chris Panos, God's Spy.) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1722264325.A.711.html


※ 轉錄者: ostracize ( 臺灣), 07/29/2024 22:56:12


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