[-Fx-] Firefox 129.0 Released

看板 Browsers
作者 rick (五漢廢言抄錢部屬)
時間 2024-08-06 22:44:48
留言 26 ( 9推 0噓 17→ )
官方版本130.0預計在 2024年09月03日(美國時間) 台灣時間09月03日~09月04日 更新 129.0 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/129.0/releasenotes/ NewReader View now has an enhanced Text and Layout menu with new options for character spacing, word spacing, and text alignment. These changes offer a more accessible reading experience. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-reader-view-clutter-free-web-pages https://i.imgur.com/8XpFINF.png
[-Fx-] Firefox 129.0 Released
Reader View now has a Theme menu with additional Contrast and Gray options. You can also select custom colors for text, background, and links from the Custom tab. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-reader-view-clutter-free-web-pages https://i.imgur.com/MYs5OtL.png
[-Fx-] Firefox 129.0 Released
A tab preview is now displayed when hovering the mouse over background tabs , making it easier to locate the desired tab without needing to switch tabs. https://i.imgur.com/QByL1OE.png
[-Fx-] Firefox 129.0 Released
HTTPS is replacing HTTP as the default protocol in the address bar on non-local sites. If a site is not available via HTTPS, Firefox will fall back to HTTP. HTTPS DNS records can now be resolved with the operating system's DNS resolver on specific platforms (Windows 11, Linux, Android 10+). Previously this required DNS over HTTPS to be enabled. This capability allows the use of HTTP/3 without needing to use the Alt-Svc header, upgrades requests to HTTPS when the DNS record is present, and enables wider use of ECH. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-dns-over-https https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Alt-Svc https://support.mozilla.org/kb/faq-encrypted-client-hello Added support for multiple languages in the same document spoken in macOS VoiceOver. Address Autofill is now enabled for users in France and Germany. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/automatically-fill-your-address-web-forms Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Enterprisehttps://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-enterprise-129-release-notes Developer︰ Added support for more inactive CSS warnings, including cases where: The resize property is used incorrectly. float properties are used incorrectly. box-sizing is used on elements that ignore width/height. table-related CSS properties are not on table-related elements. The Network Blocking feature in the Network panel now blocks HTTP requests in addition to blocking responses. The Rules side panel in the Inspector panel now displays @starting-style rules. Additionally, there is a tooltip for the var() function, indicating the @starting-style CSS custom properties value. The Rules side panel now shows the impact of invalid at computed-value time custom property declarations in the computed panel. Web Platform︰ Added support for querying the encryption key system config in mediaCapabilities.decodingInfo() API. https://bit.ly/3AedO4Q https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/MediaCapabilities/decodingInfo Added support for Float16Array typed arrays along with new DataView methods for reading and setting Float16 values, and a Math.f16round() static method that can be used to round numbers to 16 bits. The new type is useful for sharing data with a GPU, in particular for use cases where it makes sense to trade off precision for memory consumption. https://mzl.la/3WRibLT https://mzl.la/4dun6rK Added support for @starting-style. This at-rule allows to define styles that are applied to an element when it is first rendered, enabling transitions on elements that are added to the DOM or that have their display type changed from none to another value. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/@starting-style Added support for the transition-behavior CSS property. This property allows us to create a transition on discrete animated CSS properties. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/transition-behavior Added support for the textInput event. This is a non-standardized API, however it is implemented by some web apps that use legacy libraries or frameworks. Please keep using beforeinput when developing new web apps. Added support for DNS lookup of HTTPS Resource Records (RR) with the native DNS resolver, increasing HTTPS coverage and facilitating the use of Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) if present in HTTPS RR. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9460/ https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-esni/ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1722955508.A.FDB.html


aza0290 Google壟斷案敗訴,Mozilla死定了 08/07 12:07 1F
rick 尾大難甩 還修改以圖搜圖演算法(可恨) Mozilla要GG了嗎?! 08/08 07:23 2F
sam613 明天一定島 08/08 07:41 3F
ltytw 不懂 是說firefox不能把google設為預設搜尋引擎 可能 08/08 09:25 4F
ltytw 導致mozilla餓死? 08/08 09:25 5F
jqs8ah5ar 這樣很好啊,mozilla靠google殘喘偏安很多年了。該是回 08/08 11:17 7F
jqs8ah5ar 歸初心到哪個想打破IE壟斷的Mozilla了吧,只是這次對象 08/08 11:18 8F
jqs8ah5ar 換成chromium 08/08 11:18 9F
whatthe8078 對Mozilla 基金會的高層沒信心 08/08 13:42 10F
rick 撐不下去 怎麼回歸初心 會直接解散吧 不用玩 08/08 17:21 11F
rick andtoid 129.0 08/08 22:08 12F
delphinus 這版看影音很容易分頁裡crash,要重啟才行。 08/09 05:08 13F
jqs8ah5ar 不會撐不下去吧,google以外還有bind和yahoo,就收入會 08/09 06:56 14F
jqs8ah5ar 銳減,可能要縮編人事或專案 (上面bing打錯成bind) 08/09 06:58 15F
jqs8ah5ar 但同意樓上說的對Mozilla基金會高層沒信心 08/09 07:07 16F
rick 上一版128.0.3 放著crash 2次 08/09 14:10 17F
rick iOS 129.1 08/09 15:11 18F
BDrip 最糟會不會跟servo一樣丟給Linux基金會? 08/09 15:38 19F
Medic 131會有垂直分頁 終於啊... 08/09 22:06 20F
MK47 你不強求內建的話 不是有很多套件垂直分頁嗎 sideberry紅很 08/10 05:06 21F
MK47 08/10 05:06 22F
tsairay google用預設搜尋引擎的名義每年給mozilla超額金錢 08/12 13:06 23F
tsairay 目的是不要讓mozilla倒掉,免得反托拉斯盯上 08/12 13:07 24F
Kenqr safari市佔就多少了 還強制內建 有沒有fx才不影響反托拉斯 08/12 23:19 25F
examsystem 有扶植他牌的動作,多少有幫助 08/13 00:45 26F


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