Re: [法語] 知足常樂

看板 Buddhism
作者 kissung (天堂鴉)
時間 2024-10-09 09:01:18
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回文 7則
82. 心不可一日無喜神 (a) The Mind Cannot Function for a Day Without Joy 宣公上人1994年2月6日開示於國際譯經院 Dharma Talk Given by the Venerable Master on February 6, 1994 at the Internati onal Translation Institute VBSKaiShi-#82-1994-0206-No.286 我們應該如何快樂?我們應該自性常常知足,所謂「知足常樂,能忍自安」。 How should we be happy? We must always be content in our self-nature, as it is said, “Contentment brings happiness; patience leads to peace.” 知足常樂 Contentment Brings Happiness 各位善知識,Happy New Year!我也學祖教授向你們早祝新年快樂!我們新年快樂了,舊 年快樂不快樂呢?我們要年年都快樂、月月都要快樂、日日都要快樂、時時刻刻都要快樂 。為什麼要快樂呢?快樂並不是吃一點好東西,就快樂了;也不是穿一件好衣服,我們就 快樂了;也不是買一輛最漂亮的車,我們就快樂了;也不是住一棟好房子,就快樂了。 To all good friends, Happy New Year! I’m learning from Professor Zu in wishin g everyone a happy new year in advance! We will be happy in the new year, but what about the old year - were we happy or not? We must be happy every year, e very month, every day, even down to every single moment. Happiness does not co me from just eating a bit of tasty food, wearing fancy clothes, buying a prett y car, or buying a nice house. 我們應該如何快樂?我們應該自性常常地知足,所謂「知足常樂,能忍自安」。知足常足 ,我們時時刻刻都要知足。我們人比一切畜生都有智慧、有靈知靈覺,一切的一切都超 過畜生,我們這就應該知足了。知足就快樂、沒有煩惱。 How should we be happy? We must always be content in our self-nature, as it is said, “Contentment brings happiness; patience leads to peace.” Contentment brings abundance. We must be content with everything at all times. We humans h ave more wisdom, intelligence, and awareness than animals. In all manners we a re superior to animals, and so we should know to be content. Being content, we ’ll be happy and free of afflictions. (Translated by Bo Han Zhu)
Re: [法語] 知足常樂
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Re: [法語] 知足常樂
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