Re: [黑特] 立委選制的看法
※ 引述《ckTHU (XD)》之銘言:
: 有關兩院制與美國首都政經分離的思辨
考古補充下 Thomas Jefferson 針對 Residence act of 1790《美國首都選址法》備忘錄
Memorandum from Thomas Jefferson 湯瑪斯·傑佛遜 的備忘錄
[New York, 29 August 1790] #1
1790 年 8 月 29 日於紐約
Proceedings to be had under the Residence act.
a territory not exceeding 10. miles square
(or, I presume, 100 square miles in any form) to be located,
by metes and bounds.
領土不得超過 10 英里見方(或者,我推測,無論何種形式不超過 100 英里見方),
3. commissioners to be appointed.
任命 3 位委員。
I suppose them not entitled to any salary.
[If they live near the place they may, in some instances, be influenced by
self interest, & partialities: but they will push the work with zeal. if they
are from a distance, & Northwardly, they will be more impartial, but may
affect delays.] #2
the Commissioners to purchase or accept “such quantity of land on the E.
side of the river as the President shall deem proper for the U.S.” viz. for
the federal Capitol, the offices, the President’s house & gardens, the town
house, Market house, publick walks, hospital. for the President’s house,
offices & gardens, I should think 2. squares should be consolidated.
for the Capitol & offices one square. for the Market one square.
For the Public walks 9. squares consolidated.
the expression “such quantity of land as the President shall deem proper for
the U.S.” is vague. it may therefore be extended to the acceptance or
purchase of land enough for the town: and I have no doubt it is the wish, &
perhaps expectation. in that case it will be to be laid out in lots & streets.
I should propose these to be at right angles as in Philadelphia, & that no
street be narrower than 100. feet, with foot-ways of 15. feet. where a street
is long & level, it might be 120. feet wide. I should prefer squares of at
least 200. yards every way, which will be of about 8. acres each.
並且每條街道的寬度不得小於 100 英尺,並設有 15 英尺寬的人行道。
如果某條街道又長又平,可以設為 120 英尺寬。我更偏好至少 200 英尺見方的區塊,
這樣每個區塊大約有 8 英畝。
The Commissioners should have some taste in Architecture, because they may
have to decide between different plans.
They will however be subject to the President’s direction in every point.
When the President shall have made up his mind as to the spot for the town,
would there be any impropriety in his saying to the neighboring landholders,
“I will fix the town here if you will join & purchase & give the lands.”
they may well afford it from the increase of value it will give to their own
circumjacent lands.
The lots to be sold out in breadths of 50. feet: their depths to extend to
the diagonal of the square.
這些地塊將以 50 英尺寬的尺寸出售,深度延伸至區塊的對角線。
I doubt much whether the obligation to build the houses at a given distance
from the street, contributes to it’s beauty. it produces a disgusting
monotony. all persons make this complaint against Philadelphia. the contrary
practice varies the appearance, & is much more convenient to the inhabitants.
In Paris it is forbidden to build a house beyond a given height, & it is
admitted to be good restriction. it keeps down the price of ground, keeps the
houses low & convenient, & the streets light & airy. fires are much more
manageable where houses are low. this however is an object of legislation.
#1 This date has been supplied on the authority of a 29 Aug. 1790 entry in
Jefferson's “Summary Journal of Public Letters”stating,
“Note of Th:J. on agenda in the 10. miles square”
(Boyd, Jefferson Papers, 17:461n.).
(Boyd,《Jefferson Papers》,17:461n),提供了此日期。
#2 The brackets surrounding this paragraph appear in the MS.
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